Thanks, Dan! Good advice. Besides the title advice, I really like that - “Expect nothing, anticipate everything”. Sounds like you have a wise dad.

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Thanks for the info Dan. I personally think deep inside most ppl are aware of calculating worst case scenarios but fail to implement due to greed. This is my case, im all in accumulating and staking i consider myself deep in it to stop buying now at these prices

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Hi Dan, great content as always! We have seen a lot of graphics And charts in your YouTube video’s. In this video we See two curving white lines where bitcoin trades within (1:00min in video) How close are we at present time to the bottom white line And what if bitcoin breaks this line or trend? Interesed in your view om this matter. Maybe you can make a video on this matter? Keep up the great work! Greetings from europe!

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Bitcoin charts is important and technical

Analises, but i think that BTC price is manipulated all the time.

Smart peoples, drawing smart charts🤣👌 we just following. But i agree that it can go to 0. We can lose everythink, it is a big risk, that's why when somebody ask yo me which coin to buy, i always saying that i can advice, but think uourself which coin to buy🙄👌

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Thanks Dan 🙏 these videos are great. Wise advice from what seems a very wise father... and now you're spreading the wisdom to your followers. Thank you.

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Dan, thank you for your content here.

Im also following your youtube channel since nearly two years and i learnd a lot.

Thanks for this all and stay strong :-)

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It's wise to always expect the worse. That's the way I conduct my life really, I assume that if there's something that can go wrong, it will eventually. A Murphy's law of sorts applied to decision making.

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